God calling Moses

11 July 2015

Written by Judy Phohorilla

Scriptures :  Exodus 3:4
Isaiah 28:23

A small shrub called Dictamnus Album may have been Moses burning bush.   This plant gives off a flammable vapour and has been known to spontaneously combust in the desert sun.  Its uniqueness for Moses was that it did not burn up.  It is in Ex 3:4  when Moses takes a closer look that God chooses to call out his name.   God waited for Moses to respond to this extraordinary event.

God may use unexpected sources when communicating to us too, whether by people or experiences and especially through His Word.
Perhaps we need to be willing to investigate doors that the Lord opens for us and be open to His surprises.

Read Isaiah 28:23 and this week “give attention and hear My speech”.

Have an open heart and mind to God’s plans for you this week.

2 thoughts on “God calling Moses”

  1. Praise God and thanks to Him for delivering to us His Word, which gives us a gift from God that many in Moses’ day did not have. The Lord spoke to Moses directly and, through Aaron, he communicated to the people. God displayed His power through supernatural acts of nature and such, but none of them were given the measure of knowledge and insight into who God is and what He expects from us as we have been given through His Scripture. I spent all morning thinking about your post, Carol, thank you!


    1. Thank you for the comment. It came as a reminder to me that I have started a series called God calling….. a focus on The Word of God (see my Menu) and have neglected to continue it ! So this is a word in due season, thank you.
      The Word of God is one of my most precious possessions. The Holy Spirit of God is my Helper, and often works through everyday things and people, but I have had to nurture a “listening ear”, a “seeing eye” and an “understanding heart”. I would like this series to be peppered with the insights and writings of others too. Judy’s writing, in this instance was, unwittingly to her, the inspiration to start this series.

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